Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Happy Happy Days #2

There were some things this week that weren't too happy. I had a rubbish moment at work and then I learned that an acquaintance had died a while ago. I was thinking of her last weekend when I had a chat with somebody about accents and dialect and remembered having a similar chat with her some years ago and thought that she would have enjoyed that one too. Later on I learned that by the time I thought about her she was already dead for a week. It is a rubbish feeling to know that and I for sure will miss her somehow. I didn't saw her too often in the past two years since I left choir but I knew she was around.

But well, back to happy things as this is about them.

I spent last weekend with friends and it was really really great. We were 22 people all together (some arrived later, some left earlier and I don't think we were more than 18 at any point of the weekend) and rented a house from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. We had tons of food and spent almost all weekend eating cake, delicious Mexican and Italian food and also had some alcohol to go with it. We spent the weekend knitting/crocheting/stitching/spinning and it was such a great time.
Plus we spent a lot time talking about language, accents, dialect (that happens when people from all over the world come together) and did funny stuff like accent tags and learning Jamaican accent in case we will ever need it.
It is really nice to be part of a knitting circle!

I moved in with my parents on Thursday for the next five weeks as my flat will get a new kitchen and bathroom! Hurray! So I soon will have a fully renovated 2-bedroom-flat - I got a new floor and everything was painted when I moved in a year ago - which will cost less than 25% more than my old 1-bedroom-flat with 40 years old kitchen and bathroom, a tiny balcony and an ugly carpet.

So my parents are on holiday this week. My Dad most likely forgot that I had my own household for the past six years and seams to be afraid that I might starve. He told me twice that, should I run out of any staple food items upstairs, I just have to go to the basement to find his stock. 1; having lived in that household for 20 years I fully know about his stock keeping and where to find his stock. 2; being his daughter, I also believe in stocking up when things go on offer, so all the staple food I might run out of are also available from my own basement. And 3; there are things called shops around.
But thanks for caring Dad!  

The text I got from my sister this afternoon. "What are we going to do if we really like Edinburgh?"
Well, I would say go back for another holiday somewhen. Or move there. Become Scottish. Get a nice accent.

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