Sonntag, 29. September 2013

Sophies week

*film/series* Nothing besides youtube videos
*book* How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you
*song* some piano background music
*craft* stitched on a birthdaycard for a friend
*food* Pain au chocolat. My favourite cake. Fruit salad. Spätzle. Sandwichs. Gnocchi. Mac'n'cheese. Tiramisu. Sushi.
*drink* Tea.
*done* Did some office work. Spent a lazy morning at home. Been annoyed by my computer. Had my hair cut. Spontanioiusely went out for a meal with my bestie and her boyfriend. Visited my parents and met my grannies, aunt and uncle. Meet some friends.
*met* My family. Bestie with boyfriend. Some knitting friends.
*bought* A new powder brush. Ordered a new laptop. Ordered a shirt.
*thought* That it is high time to get a new laptop as the other one crashes all the time.

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