Samstag, 7. September 2013

Random facts about Sophie

I was sick last weekend and though I would maybe have felt better when up and about I decided to stay in bed almost all day. Problem was that I couldn't shake this lazynes off on Monday and consequently didn't managed to do anything all week...

I'm quite proud about how the weekend is going so far. I cleaned my whole flat yesterday - not even postponed hovering today, which I normally do - and now it is only after nine and I'm already up, dressed and having breaky with freshly washed hair and polished nails.... 
These last weeks I always stayed in bed till almost noon when I had no plans for Saturday morning.

My Dad helped me hang up the new catnet last weekend, so I can finally let my catties out without fearing that "Bamse" might escape. We already used it quite much, I let him stay out while I went for a walk and also had the door open all night. it was a bit annoying these last weeks to always fear that he might find another place to slip out.

In and around Zurich next Monday - or sometimes only the afternoon - is a public holiday due to "Knabenschiessen", a traditional shooting match. Hence the name "Boy's shooting" girls are nowdays also allowed to participate. I'm happy about half a day off work ;-)

My new neigbourhood still astonishes me every now and then! When I put my newspapers out for collection I didn't found a pile of newspapers at first... Till I noticed that they were neatly and nicely piled up between two bins. In "my" old house everybody just piled them up carelessly and when the whole pile fell to pieces it was somebody elses problem...

I do miss England! Very much at the moment! My sister is no help, as she is in the same state and keeps sending me texts like: "I want a Pret-breakfast" or "I wish I could go down to the beach, sit in a deckchair and watch seagulls"

Weather report says that today is the last real summers day of this year, so I will enjoy the afternoon on the balcony. But now I must be going to get all the things done I want to do today.

And as there was no music on Wednesday, here is my this weeks favourite.

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