Sonntag, 9. Juni 2013

Sophies week

There it goes, my plan to post every second day or so and blabla....

This week was so crazy. Monday and Tuesday I was so tired that I basically came home from work, had dinner and went to bed. Wednesday I started packing for my moving. When I wanted to go to bed shortly before eleven, I noticed that my cat wasn't well so we ended up going to the vet at 11 pm! Which led to me being in bed by two in the morning.... Thurday evening was filled with some office stuff and gone in no time and don't ask me where the weekend went... Packed a lot, had a lay in yesterday, met friends this morning, had a hapnap and and and.

And so there we are on Sunday evening... Time for my little week-retroperspective.

*film* "Die Trapp Familie"
*book* A childrens book about womens rights ;-)
*song* Roy Orbison "Penny Arcade". Amy MacDonalds.
*craft* "A summery cross stitch
*food* Ice.Ice. More ice. Muffin. Sushi. Potato salad. Cheese.
*drink* Cider. Apfelschorle. Coffee
*done* Packed. Met friends for some crafting. Had too many lay ins and early nights.
*met* Friends. My parents.
*bought* Giftwrapping paper.
*thought* That I underestimated moving.

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