Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013

Hello everyone!


Welcome to my blog, Simply Sophie! As the name indicates, this blog is simply about Sophie. But who is Sophie? Well, as I don't want to lie to you I'm telling it straight away. Sophie isn't my real name, but besides, this is me who is blogging here. I was previously blogging on another address but then noticed that the quality of my blog had sunken quite far to just quick-scribbled-down posts. So I decided to start something new and was thinking about a new name. When I was on holiday with my best friend they got her name wrong at Starbucks and there was little me, drinking a cappuccino with the name "Sophie" on it (my best friend had a tea and consequently didn't got a cup with a name on it as they handed it to her straight away) So there it was, my new name.

So what will the blog be about? About the quite normal life of a quite normal mid-twenties-girl who thinks that she is living a pretty happy life. It will be about cooking and baking, crafting and DIY, clothes and cosmetics, books and movies. About good music, time spent with friends, photography, my cats and all the other important things in my life.

Hope you enjoy!

Love, Sophie

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